The Jewel Fish of Karnak by Graeme Base

Penguin, 2011.
(Ages: 5-11) Reminiscent of The Legend of the Golden Snail
this newest Graeme Base book takes us on a visually stunning journey
through Ancient Egypt where Jackal and Ibis are taught an important
lesson about theft and greed. While pleasant the plot takes backseat
in this book (as they often do when Graeme Base is involved) to the
striking illustrations and the 'mystery' that needs to be solved. To
solve the mystery one must work out the true appearance of the
precious Jewel Fish. Heading to Graeme Base's website will inform
you whether you have solved the mystery and reward you with a
printable Jewel Fish template. I was quite disconcerted when I began
reading this book as I was never very successful at cracking Graeme
Base's codes but I didn't have much trouble with this one at all
(are they getting easier or am I getting smarter?!) The dust cover
has some added value in that it contains some interesting factual
information about Ancient Egyptian life and tells us more about some
of the more obscure words used in the story such as 'coracle' (an
Egyptian boat made from papyrus reeds). Overall, the illustrations
are spectacular and I had a surprising amount of fun going online to
see if I had cracked the code (there are also hints available if you
are struggling) but the story is ultimately unremarkable. But can
you say no to Graeme Base?!
Nicole Smith-Forrest