The Jade Dragon by Carolyn Marsden

Press, 2009. ISBN 978076364063.
(Ages 8+ )When Ginny sees another girl in her school
who looks just like her, she is amazed to find the new girl sees
herself as
American. She knows no Chinese language, does not eat Chinese food, and
at some of the things Ginny and her family hold dear. But Ginny wants
her to be
her special friend and does all she can to attract her attention. When
Stephanie asks if she can take home Ginny's jade dragon, then Ginny
knowing that this little animal is her special animal, made only for
This gentle story of friendship and wanting a
friend, will endear all readers, as they sympathise with Ginny doing
all she
can to have a friend. But to do this Ginny must deny her Chinese
heritage, and
fall in line with the selfish Stephanie. Both girls learn something
themselves throughout this book as they come to some understanding of
heritage and the pulls of living in another country. The parents play
an interesting background
role, as the American parents of the adopted Stephanie bring her up in
American household, yet encourage her to build relationship with Ginny
and her
family, and her Chinese heritage, while Ginny is brought up in a
household and encouraged to hold dear Chinese customs and her
background, but
equally do well in the new culture. It's the dichotomy of many second
children of migrant families, that tearing from one's background, and
brought truthfully to life in this little novel.