The island of sea women by Lisa See

Simon and Schuster, 2019. ISBN: 9781471183850.
(Age: 16+) Highly recommended. 'A woman is not meant for the
household!' Did you know that on the island of Jeju in Korea, it was
the tradition in the 1930s for women to go to work, diving for
abalone, octopus, sea urchins, crabs and sea slugs, bringing in
their sea harvest to support their families? It was the men who
stayed home, cooked the meals and tended to the children. The
haenyeo, women divers, were expert at capturing their breath and
diving deep, taking what they needed and living in harmony with
their environment.
Young-sook and Mi-ja are two haenyeo friends, diving together.
Young-sook is continuing her family tradition, diving with her
mother, whilst Mi-ja is the daughter of a despised Japanese
collaborator living with an abusive uncle and aunt, never knowing
the love of a mother. Young-sook's mother takes Mi-ja into the
diving collective, and trains her along with her daughter. The two
girls become the closest of friends.
From the first chapter, we know that something has happened between
the two girls. It is 2008 and Young-sook, as an old woman, is
collecting algae along the shore when she is approached by an
American tourist asking about her grandmother Mi-ja. Young-sook
denies ever knowing her. Why does Young-sook lie, and why does she
refuse to have anything to do with the visitors?
Whilst telling the story of Japanese and American conflict in Korea,
during the 1930s, 1940s, World War II and the Korean War, Lisa See
explores what it means to be close friends, the shared secrets, the
jealousies, and the heart-breaking betrayals - for only a loved
friend knows how to inflict the deepest wound. I think most readers
would identify with that situation - when someone they cared about
lets them down or hurts them in some way. But the mystery of what it
was that divided the two young women carries the reader breathlessly
to the very last chapter.
This is a really interesting book, combining a well-researched
history of the period, with a thought-provoking exploration of
friendship, and the bitter after-effects of being unable to forgive.
Helen Eddy