The Innocents by Nette Hilton

Woolshed Press, 2010. ISBN 9781864718744.
Best suited for: 12+. Recommended. Missie Missinger is a
normal girl growing up in 1950's Australia. When
tragedy hits her town, they call it an accident. But as more accidents
happen, the frightened locals start looking for an answer, and find an
easy target. Can Missie piece together the truth in time to save an
innocent friend? And if she ever finds out the real killer, will she
ever be able to confront them without putting herself, and those around
her, in danger?
This book was interesting in different ways. The story flowed well, but
it was unusual because the murders took place over a span of three or
four years, unlike some stories when the murders happen within a few
days of each other. This meant that most of the story was based around
Missie growing up.
Although some readers might find parts of this novel boring, such as
when the author is simply writing about Missie's normal life, I found
it fascinating. It was described with such sensitivity to Missie's
world and everything she thought that I could sense how well the author
had adapted herself to that particular setting.
I liked the characters; in particular Oleksander. He was a really good
character and it was interesting reading his story.
One of the few bad things is that it was a bit too long to gain a
stable amount of interest for occasional readers. It would be a good
length for advanced readers though.
While not one of the best books I have ever read, it was still
enjoyable. Slightly less violent than most murder-mystery novels, but
just as suspenseful, it would still be a good read for those who enjoy
this particular genre.
I recommend this book.
Rebecca Adams (Student)