The Ice Dragon by George R.R Martin

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HarperCollins, 2014. ISBN 9780008118853
(Age: 7+) Recommended.
'The ice dragon breathed death into the world; death and quiet and cold. But Adara was not afraid. She was a winter child, and the ice dragon was her secret.'
For centuries the ice dragon has been a symbol of fear. It cannot be stopped. It cannot be tamed by any man. But Adara is different. She is a child of winter; born during the worst freeze to ever hit for as long as anyone could remember. But then, on the year of her seventh birthday, fiery dragons with soldiers on their backs attack Adara's home. And the only way to save is everyone, is for the child of winter and the dragon that loved her, to fight the dragons of summer.
I would recommend this book to children of both genders. Aged 7 and up. I would also recommend this book to people who prefer to read shorter books as this novel mainly consists of pictures.
This book from the author of Game of Thrones is a novel, that while fast moving, is in depth and is a must read for all Game of Throne fans.
Jazmin Humphries (Student, Year 7)