The hunt by Andrew Fukuda

Simon and Schuster, 2012. ISBN 9780857075413.
(Age: 14+) Recommended. Reluctant readers. 17 year old Gene has
survived against all odds in a world where humans are regarded as
prey to be eaten. Known as hepers, the humans are on the verge of
extinction and Gene has had to use all his ingenuity and intellect
to stay alive. Forced to hide his emotions and his scent, he has
hidden himself in plain sight, going to school and pretending to fit
in. But when a heper hunt is organised and he is selected to be one
of the hunters, things begin to fall apart. He has to hide his true
nature and pretend to be part of the hunt.
This was a really exciting, original and thrilling story, that kept
me on the edge of my seat for the whole book, one which I devoured
in almost one sitting. Fukuda built up the suspense to an almost
unbearable pitch, moving Gene from one danger to another as he
grappled with the horror of the Hunt. The thought of humans being
eaten almost to extinction is an appalling one, but one that kept me
thinking as well.
Although it is an action driven story, at the same time, the author
was able to give the reader an insight into the feelings of a young
man who for the first time since the death of his father, begins to
interact with other humans, and who realises that he may have to
take some responsibility for other people. Two strong young women,
Ashley June and Sissy, are exceptionally competent and their depth
of character adds greatly to the story.
A sticker on the cover states, 'If you love The Hunger games,
you'll love this' and that is certainly true. Fans of the Maze
runner series will also enjoy it. It is sure to appeal to both
boys and girls for its unique story line and brilliant plot . I
can't wait for the second in the series. A book
trailer is available.
Pat Pledger