The hunger games: Catching fire: The official illustrated movie companion

Scholastic Press, New York, 2013. ISBN 9780545599337.
(Age 12+) Recommended. Movie tie in. Dystopian fiction. Adventure.
Strong women characters. Timed to be released as the second film in
The hunger games series is due out, this will be a surefire
winner of a book. Jam packed with information, the book will fill
any follower of the series with all they need to know - and a lot
besides. The photographs taken from the film fill the pages,
sometimes the whole double page spread is used, and the effect is
quite breathtaking. No one will be able to resist this offering. As
with the first tie in book for the first film in the series, The
hunger games, the opening section gives a brief introduction
as to what has happened before this story starts, so whetting the
appetite for what may follow.
The book then follows the plot of the new film, giving side panels
of information about the setting or the characters or the actors. So
in Part 3 'Expanding the world of Panem', a great deal of
information is given about the setting, particularly that of
Katniss' world, while furthering the plot development. Part four
'Designing the arena' is just as fascinating, detailing the plans
for and evolution of the arena for Book Two. Part Five focusses on
costume design, an amazing part of the films, with wildly
imaginative costumes made for the competitors and the leading
figures in the organisers. The whole chapter is a mass of photos of
these extraordinary creations that will satisfy any reader.
The whole book whets the appetite for seeing the film, released just
before Christmas, 2013, and is every bit as good as the first of The
hunger games.
Fran Knight