The Hueys in none the number by Oliver Jeffers

HarperCollins, 2014. ISBN 9780007420698
(Age: 3-6) Recommended. How do you explain the concept of none,
nothing, zero? That something that isn't even there is something?
This is one of the most difficult mathematical concepts for very
young children to understand, given that they are still very much in
the concrete stage of development, yet given its importance in maths
it is one of the most critical. And in this charming counting book
Oliver Jeffers manages it perfectly.
Using his quirky characters The Hueys, he builds up the idea by
adding one to none to get a blue telephone and then two beds until
the big day building up to a crescendo of items that are suddenly
taken away leaving none. Jeffers doesn't confine himself to the
usual objects found in counting books - each collection is a story
in itself like the seven oranges being balanced on things. Why would
you try to balance an orange on something? Or the teddy-shaped
parcel that becomes everything from a tennis racquet to a train set.
And the nine seagulls that steal Frank's chips just invite the young
listeners to share their own stories.
Oliver Jeffers has a knack and a reputation for making the ordinary
extraordinary and this third adventure of these lovable characters
is no exception.
Barbara Braxton