The house on the mountain by Ella Holcombe

Ill. by David Cox. Allen and Unwin, 2019. ISBN: 9781760636968.
(Age: all) Highly recommended. Themes: Fire, Disaster. A family
living at the top of the mountain swelters under the heat of summer.
Mum closes the windows and pulls the curtains across but outside is
just the same as inside. The fan blows hot air around, but during
the night with the radio turned up, the phone rings and Mum says
they must all get out, a fire is coming.
The year is 2009 and the place is near Kinglake in Victoria, the
scene of one of the worst fires in Australia, killing 173 people,
along with thousands of hectares of farms as well as towns, pets and
livestock. The day is now known as Black Saturday and Ella
Holcombe's parents were killed in that fire.
Presenting a picture book about the fire and its devastation,
Holcombe sidesteps the tragedy of her family's loss instead making
her story about a family which survives, revealing the same
heartache and loss that she suffered but within the scope of a
picture book. In this way she makes her story universal, able to be
discussed by younger readers who will glean lessons from that
fires, and recognise strategies they can use. McLean's images swirl
around the family, intensifying the feeling of destruction that fire
brings. Overwhelming heat, relentless wind, and darkness envelop the
family as it flees the fire, learning several days later that their
house is gone.
They get to the community centre in their local town, there to be
safe, and eventually go to live with their gran who lives at the
base of the mountain, until it is safe to return to their house
block. There they set up two caravans determined to rebuild, and
watch in awe as the bush regrows and friends come to help.
A story of confidence in the future, of survival, of rebuilding and
regrowth, the story does not dwell on loss, but it is in the
background with some children not returning, of photos of those who
died in the school hallways, and homes and animals destroyed.
MacLean's atmospheric illustrations reflect the awe filled nightmare
of those days, the blacked out sun, needing the car lights on going
down the mountain, the black outlines of the trees, the smoke and
flames, all drawn with a still, hazy fuzziness. He perfectly
captures the fear of groups of people, the family, their longing to
get back, and those who offer support.
It is ten years since this appalling fire, and children will rad the
book with a heightened knowledge that fire is an ever present
danger, its prevalence increasing through climate change, and be
aware that plans must be in place for people to remain safe. An
opportunity is here for adults to rehearse their fire plan with
children, and bring their attention to strategies to keep them safe,
while reading a story which shows the devastation fire brings and
the long slow process of rebirth and recovery.
Fran Knight