The heir by Lynne Stringer

Wombat Books, 2013. ISBN 9781921632440.
Verindon 1, the new sci-fi series by Lynne Stringer begins with
Sarah's life rapidly disintegrating. A talented art student at a
prestigious high school, a reversal in her father's business means
that she is now a scholarship girl and therefore barely tolerated by
the student body. Always a loner, Sarah now feels even more isolated
when she is constantly preyed upon by an extremely wealthy and
therefore, powerful senior. Her only enjoyment comes from looking
at, and daydreaming about, her best friend's boyfriend, Dan. Then
tragedy strikes and Sarah suddenly has no-one except Dan to help
her. However, is Dan really a friend or do more sinister reasons lie
behind his concern for Sarah?
Sarah's concept of who she is and where she belongs is suddenly
spiralling out of control and she finds herself struggling to adapt
to another new reality - one that she could never have believed
possible. A new world, a new identity and a new set of problems
confront Sarah and leave the reader eagerly awaiting the next book.
After a slow beginning Stringer hits her stride in what promises to
be an engaging series.
Ros Lange