The Hate U Give (THUG) by Angie Thomas

Walker Books, 2017. ISBN 9781406372151
(Age: 14+) Highly recommended. Navigating between life as the only
person of colour (POC) at a prestigious prep school in the suburbs,
and being the only kid in the projects who can afford to go to such
a school, Starr Carter doesn't know who she is. The careful
balancing act falls apart when Starr witnesses her childhood best
friend shot dead at the hands of a police officer during a routine
traffic stop. Starr is forced to be the voice of change at a time
when she's not sure if she's better off being silent.
The Hate U Give draws on stories most are already familiar
with: Michael Brown, Philando Castile, Eric Garner, the list
unfortunately goes on. Author Angie Thomas has managed to weave
elements of these tragedies throughout the story without
disrespecting the communities or persons involved. Readers follow
Starr's heartbreaking journey but are constantly reminded that this
is the everyday life for POC throughout America. With an emphasis on
police brutality and the after-effects, the community coming
together while being simultaneously pulled apart, we learn chilling
lessons that for some are learned much younger.
If you encounter a police officer, be polite. Even if they're not.
Do not make any sudden movements. Keep your hands up. Remain calm.
The Hate U Give is political without trying to be, and
readers will be holding on to the edge of their seats as they follow
along with Starr. Whether it's friendship, race, or feeling like you
don't quite belong, there's something for everyone.
Natalie Campbell