The grumpy lighthouse keeper by Territzita Corpus

Ill. by Maggie Prewett. Magabala Books, 2016. ISBN 9781925360189
(Age: 3+) Highly recommended. Humour. Lighthouse. Beach. Broome. Sea
creatures. When the lighthouse keeper goes out to check that his
light is still shining brightly on a cold blustery night, several
animals crawl from the beach and into his warm snugly bed. As each
comes from the beach, the same format on each page is used,
encouraging children to predict the words that will follow as
another animal appears. Cassius the crab, Trev the turtle, Jacob the
jellyfish, Olena the octopus and Bruce the bluebone take their place
inside the lighthouse keeper's cottage.
The bright, vivid illustrations show the readers each of the animals
and will encourage the readers to try their own skills at
representing these sea creatures.
When the lighthouse keeper returns of course, readers again will
predict his possible response, laughing merrily at his insistence
that the animals leave his bed, then finding it too damp to now
sleep in himself. A solution is found however, although readers will
know that he has missed out on his comfortable bed on such a cold
Readers will laugh out aloud at the antics of the animals, knowing
that a bed is probably the last place they would want to be but
seeing the humour in these creatures taking shelter. All the while
students are reminded of the sorts of sea creatures to be found in
Broome and the history of a local historical spot. I loved it.
Fran Knight