The great race by Kevin O'Malley

Bloomsbury, 2011. ISBN 978 0 8027 2357 4.
(Ages 4+) Picture book. Humour. The race between the tortoise and
the hare is given a new treatment in this funny parody of the
original fable. The hare in this tale is a strutting sports star,
beloved by the multitudes, receiving adulation wherever he goes.
Sporting sunglasses, he wears the latest clothing, and tells
everyone that he is the greatest. The tortoise can only try his
best, doing exercises to increase his abilities and fitness, but
practicing running by trotting to the pastry shop. When the big day
comes, humour abounds as the snail beats the tortoise in his run
along the road, and they both watch the hare in the foreground. But
near the end, something happens which will cause gales of laughter
from the young audience.
Humour is reflected in the charming illustrations. The hare is
always surrounded by his loving fans, and each page showing Hare is
full of animals, looking adoringly at their beloved, while each page
showing the tortoise is quite bare, the tortoise is the central
image, with few friends, a snail being his only companion. But the
tortoise wins, and the readers will laugh out loud at the way he
wins, and find humour in the situation the two animals find
themselves in. A gentle story of doing your best, of the vacuousness
of fandom, the story will engender much discussion about the
readers' favourite sports star and the hollowness of fame. And of
course, an astute teacher will use this story to compare it with the
original fable, The tortoise and the hare.
Fran Knight