The great bear by Libby Gleeson and Armin Greder

Walker Books, 2010. ISBN 9781921529696.
(Ages 5+) Highly recommended. First published in 1999, this classic
picture book is wonderful and deserves the awards it has won: Winner of
the Bologna Ragazzi, 2000, Fiction for Infants Category, and
short-listed CBC Picture Book of the Year 2000. The circus bear spends
her miserable days in a cage with a cold stone floor, and at night she
performs for the crowd, some of which cheer for her while others throw
stones and jeer as she dances for them. One day she seizes a pole
and soars to the stars.
Beautifully crafted by Libby Gleeson, the story of the bear's plight
totally engrossed me as I read the story. I was kept on the edge of my
seat wondering how the bear could possibly escape its horrible
captivity and the image of it reaching for the stars is very memorable.
Greder's illustrations are superb and bring an extraordinary depth to
the narrative. Some, like the beautiful starry night, pay tribute to
the masters, while others bring all the greed and obsessiveness of
human nature to life.
I was fortunate to listen to Libby Gleeson and Armin Greder speak about
the creation of this heart-rending tale. Details at the back of the
book give details about the author and illustrator. Libby's dream about
the story, which she writes about at the back of the book, is
explained, and Greder's explanation of the conclusion of the book is
Pat Pledger