The gobbledygook is eating a book by Justine Clarke and Arthur Baysting

Ill. by Tom Jellett. Penguin, 2012. ISBN 978 0 670 07657 4.
(Ages: 3+) Recommended. Picture book. Reading. Readers of all ages
have a great time working out just what is meant by a gobbledygook.
it an animal? an idea? a play on words? No matter what, it will
intrigue younger readers as they hear of the giant orange thing
up and eating books. Howls of despair will be heard as the thing
munches its way through the shelves, eating the space books, the
cookery section, the dinosaurs, the circus area as well as books
the Antarctic.
In rhyming sentences, the fun of the idea of the monster eating the
pages of books munching its way through the Dewey system continues
Tom Jellett's illustrations in bold colours, painted over paper
splatted with colour, or looking like crushed paper, along with
drawings, readily reminds the reader of his previous book, My
thinks he's funny, with its similar humour and wit expressed
the drawings. Readers will love the antics of he gobbledydook, and
a whale of a time asking older people what the word means to them,
using a dictionary and thesaurus to further investigate the word.
how lovely to have the last word of the alphabet rhyme with bed! and
this may also initiate some discussion.
This would be an imaginative read a loud as well as a sound
introduction to the way a library is shelved, or just a fun way to
at rhymes and rhyming. But of course, the main thing is the fun, and
this book has that in spades.
Fran Knight