The glow of fallen stars by Kate Ling

Little Brown Books for Young Readers, 2017. ISBN 9781510200180
(Age: 13+) Recommended for people thirteen and up who have an
interested in sci-fi/romance. Like the previous novel in the series,
loneliness of distant beings, The glow of fallen stars
has a slow start. Seren, Mari, Ezra, and Dom have landed on
Huxley-3, a planet with the potential for supporting human life
after escaping from Ventura, the ship on which they were all born.
Seren and Dom are celebrating their freedom, meanwhile Mari and
Ezra's thoughts turn more practical - how are they going to spend
the rest of their lives stranded on an island on an alien planet?
After an encounter with some glowing coral, both Seren and Ezra are
struck by a relentless sickness which renders them unconscious and
close to death. Having both recovered, but being rendered weak by
the sickness, lack of food, and torrential rains, the four are
driven by desperation to take the boat and make for the mainland.
Days pass, and luck brings them to a coastline where they soon find
a pioneer settlement from the ship Concordia. The people of
Concordia, like Ventura, originated from Earth. But what will come
of their lives now, living on planet for the first time? It seems as
if everything has changed, but has it really? Have Seren and Dom
achieved their goal of being together, or will Concordia's breeding
program spell disaster?
While quite a bit of Seren and Dom's relationship is portrayed as
lust, problems caused by lies, trust, and outsiders are also
explored. Friendships are formed, broken, and transformed across the
pages and the importance of forgiveness, acceptance, and talking are
all approached. I would recommend to people thirteen and up who have
an interested in sci-fi/romance.
Kayla Gaskell, 21