The glasshouse by Paul Collins

Illus. by Jo Thompson. Ford St., 2010. ISBN 978 1921665045.
Picture book. Recommended. Clara lives all alone in a stunning
glasshouse, where she grows
exquisite pumpkins. She tends the seedlings, watching and nursing them
as they grow, knowing that they are the best pumpkins around. They have
no blemishes, are perfectly formed, have a beautiful colour and are
delicious. Buyers come from everywhere to buy her prefect pumpkins. But
one day a boy appears at her door and she follows him outside, only to
be amazed that so many of the other glasshouses are smashed and broken.
Frightened by what she has seen, she now spends her time checking her
glass for cracks, watching for any disturbance to her perfect world.
She makes the buyers take off their shoes, watches them as they mover
around her area until they start to go elsewhere. The boy
reappears and shows Clara one of his pumpkins, one that is not quite so
perfect. It is misshapen, discoloured and spotty, but tastes just as
good as hers. She becomes more insular and worried. Less and less
people come to buy her pumpkins and she loses interest in them, causing
them to become discoloured and not quite perfect.
A beautiful story of accepting things for what they are, of not
expecting everything to be perfect, of acceptance and understanding and
of love, is made spectacular with the exuberant, colour filled
illustrations that glow on every page.
Fran Knight