The Glass trilogy by Maria V. Snyder

Storm glass. Harlequin Teen, 2010. ISBN 9781921685552.
Sea glass. Mira Ink, 2013. ISBN 9781848452473.
Spy glass. Mira Ink, 2013. ISBN 9781848452497.
(Age 15+) Paranormal. Magic. Opal Cowen who appeared in the
acclaimed Study series, has her own spin off series here.
She is a talented glassmaker who can trap magic inside glass and has
invented a glass gadget that allows long distance communication.
When members of the Stormdancers clan who control the violent storms
that invade the storm are killed, Opal has to fix their glass orbs
quickly before more catastrophe occurs. The three books chronicle
Opal's adventures as she is kidnapped trying to rescue the handsome
Stormdancer Kade and come to grips with the blood magic and glass
magic that she possesses and the power that could be unleashed if
the evil Warpers gained it.
I loved the Study series so was happy to read Opal's story
and to make acquaintance with some of my favourite characters again.
Yelena, Valik, Janco and Ari are secondary characters but it was
good to see how they had fared in the world where politics and
magicians abounded. Opal has to face some serious danger, including
torture, and make some difficult decisions about the young men in
her life. I have to say that I found the romance in these books not
as riveting as in the Study series as Opal vacillates
between three young men and her final decision is one that was a bit
difficult to come to grips with. However the adventure and the world
building made up for this. Snyder apparently had glass making
classes and this background adds authenticity to the descriptions of
the beautiful glass objects that were made. The addition of magic to
glass objects was a unique idea and the political machinations to
gain control of the glass magic formed a satisfying plot line
throughout the three books.
This series will be enjoyed by those readers who liked the Study
series and who enjoy adventure, romance and thrills in their
paranormal novels.
Pat Pledger