The girl with the dragon heart by Stephanie Burgis

Bloomsbury, 2018. ISBN 9781408880777
(Age: 8-12) Recommended. Themes: Fantasy, Dragons, Fairies, Good and
"Once upon a time in a beautiful, dirty, exciting city full of
people and chocolate and possibilities, there was a girl so fearless
and so daring that. . "
Stephanie Burgis weaves another magical fantasy in The Girl with
the Dragon Heart. Following The
dragon with the chocolate heart, thirteen-year-old
Silke, storyteller and worldly-wise orphan is the focus of this
second story, that is filled with castle intrigue and an evil plot.
The royal court of Elfenwald, the feared fairy kingdom, is coming to
visit the royal family at the Drachenberg palace. Princess Katrin
asks Silke to become a palace spy, disguised as a lady-in-waiting to
find out their real motives.
We learn more Silke's past and discover why she loves to spin tall
tales, why she is quick-witted and has developed excellent survival
skills. She is an orphan: her parents disappeared in the evil fairy
kingdom of Elfenwald and with her older brother Dieter, live a
simple existence in Drachenburg, selling second-hand clothes on the
riverbank. Her handbills advertising the chocolate shop are
fabricated with stories of royal patronage, and this captures the
princess's attention.
Silke's initiation into palace life is humorous, as she wears
corsets and fancy dresses, learning to curtsy and following all the
rules. Young Princess Sofia's jealousy of Silke's special assignment
also causes problems. Night time forays into the secret tunnels and
passageways, listening to secret conversations add to the excitement
and danger. Silke finds comfort with her friends the chocolate
makers as they prepare delicious confections in the palace.
Stephanie Burgis understands the fantasy realm; she builds an
exciting world filled with relatable characters, adding magic, a
fight of good and evil, exciting fairy characters, goblins and of
course dragons. The Girl with the Dragon Heart champions
girls taking charge of their own destiny and surviving in difficult
circumstances by using their skills and wits. A fantastic adventure
novel to share with Middle Primary students.
Rhyllis Bignell