The girl from Hard Times Hill by Emma Barnes

Flash Backs series. Bloomsbury, 2014. ISBN 9781472904430.
(Age: 10+) Recommended, Historical novel, Post World War Two. The
series Flash Backs is producing some quick read historical
novels which not only tell a good story in less than one hundred
pages, have lively interesting characters and are set in a time
relevant to today's readers.
The night run by Bali Rai told the story of one boy's bid for
freedom the evening of the Amritsar massacre in India in 1919.
The girl from Hard Times Hill tells of Megan after the war in Wales
where she has been told by the teacher that she can aim for the
Eleven Plus exam and so get into the local grammar school. She is
torn between wanting to do something more than girls did in past
generations, and her friendship with a girl in her class who
despises those who go to grammar school. Her father accepts a job in
Newcastle, but when the family finds she may get into grammar
school, stays put. But Dad has to sell food door to door to make a
living, so things need to change.
The background, just after the end of World War Two in Britain is
most convincing. Barnes has insinuated much information into the few
pages, and built a credible story about a young girl in the midst of
Fran Knight