The Ghostfaces by John Flanagan

Brotherband bk 6. Random House, 2016. ISBN 9780857980113
(Age: 12+) Highly recommended. I have read a number of books in this
series (but not all) and each of them is thrilling, dramatic and
full of action, and worthy of setting aside time to read and
definitely worth recommending to young male readers who will love
the life-threatening action and combat skills on display. (Note,
young female readers will also enjoy the adventurous spirit and the
fellowship of the band of 'brothers'.) Flanagan has mastered the art
of the historical adventure for teen readers.
In this latest saga we read of the exploits of the Brotherband, led
by the wise-beyond-his-years Hal, who together with a motley
collection of friends with unique skills combine to master their
sailing vessel and battle the elements and any human (or wild
animal) opposition. Their history is well documented in previous
books, but even if this was the first of the series that was read,
Flanagan gives enough detail of their personalities and individual
skills for it to be read as a stand-alone adventure.
Firstly, they have to survive the intense storm that threatens to
blow them far from home and into dangerous and unknown territory.
And then they must face a whole new way of life in a place that
leaves them marvelling and gives them a new sense of home, until
their existence is threatened by 'The Ghostfaces'. Although Flanagan
has created a fantasy world, there are parallels with Viking-like
and North American Indigenous cultures, and this too adds an
intrigue for the reader. A comprehensive sailing vocabulary is
included at the beginning to allow an understanding of the detailed
sailing scenarios that are described in detail. It doesn't take long
to feel like you too have been whipped by the storm in the opening
chapters. But beyond the sailing detail is a story of friendship
that binds these brothers together and allows them to overcome
adversity and loss, and to demonstrate how to esteem individual
strengths and forgive weaknesses.
Carolyn Hull