The geography of you and me by Jennifer E. Smith

Headline, 2014. ISBN 9781472206299.
Well recommended for upper secondary students. A cleverly contrived
plot where the main characters are able to express their inner
thoughts, which closely ally a reader's own view of the situation at
the time. Lucy lives on the 24th floor of an apartment in New York
and when the power goes out on an incredibly hot day she meets Owen,
who lives in the basement, not that Lucy is aware of that. They get
stuck in a lift and talk. This leaves each of them with a yearning
to see more of each other. Owen's mother has died and he and his
father are trying to sort out their lives and so after an
unsuccessful stint at mending the pipes in the hotel they set off to
'drive out west, find some place better suited for them, a place
with more sky and fewer people. Maybe, in that way, Owen would be
able to say goodbye too' p78. They do. Lucy's rather casual parents
finally insist she joins them in Paris and onto Scotland. And so
starts an exchange of irregular postcards to each other. The genuine
feelings each expresses about their relationship is heart-warming,
amusing and tender as first love blossoms. It's an engaging easy to
read story of young people finding their voice and creating a world
where they can share their thoughts and hopes. The font is clear and
well-spaced. It focuses on young people's fragile relationships
while learning about each other.
Sue Nosworthy