The flying emu: A collection of Australian stories by Sally Morgan

Walker Books, 2011. ISBN 9781921720642.
(Age 7+) Highly recommended. The Flying Emu is a collection
of short stories by Sally Morgan. In the preface Sally explains that
Aboriginal people have a tradition of storytelling that extends over
thousands of years. As she grew up she tells of her memories of her
family telling stories, often made up, as she fell asleep under a
rug on the grass outside. Her grandmother had introduced her to the
idea of bush creatures having their own stories to tell, which
prompted a curiosity about what they might say. Whenever she was
bored or unhappy she would drift off into another world that was
inhabited by all sorts of intriguing creatures. There she would have
great adventures. At the end of the preface she encourages the
reader to have fun making up stories of their own to share. The
ensuing collection of short stories optimises the spirit of this
request as Australian animals are given personalities that can make
you smile and provide a reason for a particular characteristic (such
as an Emu that can't fly). Each story has a clear moral, including a
reason for why things are the way they are. I thoroughly enjoyed
reading these stories and plan to use this book as the basis for an
English unit about fables with my upper primary class.
Matt Eldridge