The fix-it man by Dimity Powell and Nicky Johnston

EK Books, 2017. ISBN 9781925335347
Dads can fix anything - that's what dads do. Kites, kennels, teapots
- whatever is needed. He can even cobble together a rug made of
rainbows and old hugs for mum - but he can't fix mum. Not even with
his special peach and honey brew. Even the doctors and lots of rest
can't fix mum. Not even all the love in the world. And no matter how
hard they try, little girls can't mend broken hearts - not hers, not
dad's and not Tiger's. Well, not with sticky tape or glue or needle
and thread. But dad has one more special thing up his sleeve and
together they start to mend.
This is a poignant story of loss and one that will resonate with
many children who have lost a parent or other loved one. With its
gentle text and soft palette, even though it is sad, it is not gloomy
because the love between this family oozes from the page and from
that, the hope is tangible. And the threads that bind the family are
stronger and more enduring than nails, glue, sticky-tape or any
other kind of man-made adhesive or fastening.
Grief is a natural part of life and while we might like to protect
our children from it, nevertheless it happens and we often struggle
helping them to cope with their loss. This book allows conversations
to start and explores the way it is an emotion that we each express
and deal with in our own way. Dad's lap is cosy and warm but his
face is crumpled and wet; pieces spill out from Tiger's heart and
little girls try to do what they can to paper over the cracks - but
they are too wide. But together...
Whether shared as a 1:1 or as a class, it offers children the
opportunity to talk about losses in their life and to learn that
they are not alone in feeling lonely, lost, scared and even betrayed
but there is love and it does get easier.
Barbara Braxton