The FitzOsbornes in exile by Michelle Cooper

The Montmaray Journals, Book 2. Random House Australia, 2010. ISBN
(Age 13+) Highly recommended. I absolutely love historical novels and
The FitzOsbornes in exile is history written at its best. Cooper has
written a fine novel, full of exquisite detail about the period
immediately leading up to World War 2. Full of real people like Neville
Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, Princess Elizabeth and Princess
Margaret and events like the bombing of Guernica and the German
invasion of Czechoslovakia, this novel is 'a blend of historical fact
and imaginative fiction' (pg 447). It enlightened me about so many
world-changing events while entertaining me with glimpses of the life
of the fascinating FitzOsborne family, as they tried to fit into upper
crust society in England.
It is necessary to read the first in the series, A brief history of
Montmaray, to fully discover the depth of the FitzOsborne characters
and to work out some of the intricacies of the relationships. This
novel carries on from the first and finds the FitzOsbornes, Veronica,
Sophie, Henry, and Toby living with their Aunt Charlotte, a Montmaray
princess, who husband Arthur has died, leaving her a fortune. After
inhabiting a crumbling castle and fending for themselves, they have
problems fitting into aristocratic society, where there are servants to
meet their every need and their aunt is totally focused on finding them
the right spouse. Sophie continues with her journal and the reader is
carried through a breath taking description of life in society while
she and Veronica are prepared to make their court presentation.
Descriptions of world events like the bombing of Guernica and the
evacuation of refugee children to England are heart wrenching. Sophie
also describes much of the political machinations of the times as
Veronica, left wing in her views, continues to meet with her
intellectual tutor. Sophie is not above some Machiavellian games of her
own as she convinces Simon to be reasonable about his parentage.
The group finds that the British government with its appeasement
policy, is not prepared to do anything for Montamaray, even though the
FitzOsbornes believe the island is being used as a point of departure
for Nazi planes to bomb Spain. They are forced to take things into
their own hands and here we see Sophie and Veronica coming into their
own as strong, intelligent young women who are willing to fight for a
This is a delightful mixture of fact and fiction that I found
engrossing in its depiction of high society and a world approaching
war. It will have special appeal for those who like a well-written,
meticulously researched and entertaining story.
Pat Pledger