The emperor's new clothes horse by Tony Wilson

Ill. by Sue deGenero, Scholastic, 2012. ISBN 9781742830452.
(Ages: 5+) Warmly recommended. Picture book. A whimsical take of the
old cautionary tale, The Emperor's new clothes, this
wonderful picture book offers an entertainingly funny book to read
aloud to a class or child. The enticing layout with the words in a
column on each side of the page with a large illustration across the
double page spread, makes it child friendly as they turn each page
knowing where to look.
The story has an emperor with everything but wanting desperately to
win the one last cup to adorn his shelves. Searchers are sent out to
find a horse which will win this cup for him, and the horse that
arrives is not what is expected. But beauty is in the eye of the
beholder, and as with the Emperor's new clothes, no-one has the
courage to tell him what it really is.
Great fun, with delightful illustrations, this book will be a hit
with younger students and could well be compared with the original
tale. Each page has different things to seek out for the quick eyed
reader, and there is fun to be had for the adult following the
Fran Knight