The edge of nowhere by Elizabeth George

Hodder and Stoughton, 2012.
This is Elizabeth George's first foray into the realm of young adult
fiction and The Edge of Nowhere is the first novel in a
series. As such, much is being set up for the continuation of the
story with unanswered questions and mystery surrounding many of the
characters.The protagonist, fourteen year old Hannah Armstrong,
takes a new identity as Becca King to hide from her stepfather on
the isolated Whidbey Island in the state of Washington, while her
mother remains on the mainland to establish a safe existence for the
two of them. Becca has an usual talent for 'hearing' other people's
thoughts and both she and her mother believe that her stepfather
wants to kill her due to what Becca has overheard of his business
Unfortunately, Becca loses contact with her mother immediately she
arrives on the island and the unexpected death of her secret
protector leaves Becca completely alone and reliant on her wits and
the unknown islanders. Among others, Becca meets Diana Kinsale, who
also has paranormal abilities but seems to understand Becca and is
often there to help her. Eighteen year old Seth Darrow, a high
school dropout, steers her to Debbie Grieder, the owner of the Cliff
Motel who gives Becca a place to stay in exchange for work around
the motel. Both Debbie and Seth accept Becca's story and seem to be
on her side constantly but it is Derric Matheson, a sixteen year old
Ugandan orphan, adopted as a young child by the town's Deputy
Sherriff, with whom she has a special connection. When Derric is
injured in a fall, Becca is the one who brings him out of the coma
by discovering his secret.
Of course, not everyone she meets is sympathetic and she must be
patient in establishing relationships and careful in whom she trusts
in order not to give away her secret and true identity. The adult
characters are, in the main, trustworthy and helpful, although the
story ends with Becca seeing her stepfather at the front of the
Cliff Motel and begging Seth to take her 'some place safe'; the
perfect hook for the next book in the series. Readers who like
series will love this and it is eminently suitable for a Middle
School library.
Linda Koopman