The Dragons - Excalibur by Colin Thompson

Random House, 2010. ISBN 978 1 74166382 2.
This is the second book in The Dragon series and follows on
from the
first. After a mistaken identity the real King Arthur has taken over
the rule of the Kingdom and optimism spreads throughout Camelot.
However Brat and Blot have other plans. They are not happy about the
way King Arthur is ruling and plot an overthrow. When word reaches the
palace, of Brat and Blot's plans, Morgan le Fey, Sir Lancelot and a
vampire attempt to save the kingdom.
This series is written as a send up of ancient times. The language is
obscure at times and the undertone and setting have limited appeal. The
book has an interesting format with footnotes and illustrations
scattered throughout to make sense of the story.
Tracy Glover