The dodo made me do it by Jo Simmons

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Ill. by Sheena Dempsey. Bloomsbury, 2018. ISBN 9781408877777
Recommended. This is a hilarious tale of wish fulfilment gone wrong that every child will relate to and is perfect for fans of My Brother is a Superhero by David Solomons.
A funny book with plenty of set-pieces that fans will giggle their heads off at sees scenes with the characters dealing with Dodo poo and attempting to teach a flightless bird to fly. There is also a lot more going on, not least the yin-yang relationship between the cool-headed Scientific Susie and the feet-first think-later Danny.
The remote Scottish Village of Kinoussie is also awash with eccentric characters.
I would like to see more stories set here (and to find out a bit more about porridge-mad Granny Flora's backstory.
Donna Isgar