The diggers are coming! by Susan Steggall

Ill. by Susan Steggall. Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2013.
Hardcover. ISBN 9781 84780 2880.
(Age: 2-5) Recommended. This is a glorious celebration of the roar
of big construction machines and the work they do. There is much on
every page to capture the attention of any young child, with
colourful illustrations, captured in torn-paper collage. From the
wreckers which whack, wallop and wham, to the people who come with
boxes, bundles and bags, this truly is a 'ground up' story,
capturing the process of turning old abandoned buildings into
a thriving new community.
It's a story which is certain to appeal to any 'machine' fan, as
well as being a source of explanation for a child who is watching
the transformation of a space in their community, or a child moving
to a newly constructed home. One of the aspects of the story which
appeals is that the machines are in their 'natural' state - these
are not amorphisised with eyes and smiling mouths on a nonsensical
mission to deliver presents or be helpful - these are machines
designed to smash things, flatten them and haul them away.
The author is a teacher, librarian and mother, and this shows in
both big and small ways, with quality in both language and
illustration. This would make a valuable addition to any school or
home library.
Freya Lucas