The Dentist of Darkness by David O'Connell

The Dundoodle Mysteries bk. 2. Bloomsbury Children's books,
2019. ISBN: 9781408887080.
(Age: 7-10) Highly recommended. Themes: Mystery, Dentists,
Confectionary, Dragons, magic, friendship. Archie McBudge has a life
that most children would dream of. He owns a Confectionary Factory
and has magical powers! But for Archie all he really wants is a
summer holiday relaxing with his friends and testing, or even
inventing, new sweets in the factory.
But it seems he has been summoned by the Wyrdie Tree, the source of
all the magic in the town of Dundoodle to save it from dying. He has
been told he has magical powers, but he has yet to work out how to
make his wyrdworking powers work.
The town sees the arrival of a new threat to his factory in a creepy
looking Dentist who seems determined to rid Dundoodle of all sweet
things and ruin the upcoming festivities of Unquiet night (a summer
version of Halloween). It seems the townspeople are being taken over
by his influence, but Archie and his friends soon discover he is not
the only enemy in their path - the Mirk is back and is determined to
take the magic from the Wyrdie tree when it is at its most
vulnerable on Unquiet Night. Archie and his friends face many
exciting adventures and near misses in this story, and they need to
work together to come up with some imaginative solutions if they are
to save the Tree and defeat their enemies.
The book is easy to read and would be great to read to a class as it
has plenty of action and danger as well as interesting information
about a quirky place that will appeal to children who love fantasy.
This is David O'Connell's second book in this series, a follow up to
The Chocolate Factory Ghost where the town of Dundoodle is
first introduced. This book has a short introduction to the first
book at the end. There is also a map to show the places around
Dundoodle that are mentioned in this adventure and this assists
readers to follow the children's adventures.
Gabrielle Anderson