The demon collector by Jon Mayhew

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Bloomsbury 2011. ISBN 9781408803943
The Demon collector is different from the usual fantasy type book. Set in Victorian London it vividly brings to life the sights and smells of the London of this period. Edgy Taylor is a prime collector. He collects dog droppings for use in tanning leather, but he is also able to see demons.
Each chapter is prefaced by a quote from a poem or a traditional folk ballad and this idea helps set the scene for the chapter. It is a dark book and many of the characters reflect this. Edgy, after he is rescued from some particularly nasty demons by Envry Janus, is introduced to the Royal Society of Daemonologie.
It is hard for him to distinguish some of the members from the demons themselves and it is difficult for Edgy to know whom to trust. He is a likeable character, seemingly tough from the life that he lives with his dog Henry. The story moves along at a good pace as Edgy and Janus go on a quest to recover the body of the demon Moloch to prevent it being used by Salome to bring disaster to the world. There are plenty of twists and the final truth of who Edgy is and why he can see demons is not resolved until the very end. I particularly like the language and think readers will enjoy the highly unusual names, action and diverse range of characters and settings. The ending has a number of surprises and everything is satisfactorily answered.
Recommended for readers who like fantasy but are looking for something a little different.
David Rayner