The Crowfield demon by Pat Walsh

Chicken House, 2011. ISBN 9781906427634.
(Ages 10+) Highly recommended. Fantasy/medieval. Sent to the next
town to ask the Lord to send his stone mason to the Abbey to have a
look a the water damage in the church, Will is accompanied on his
return through the woods by a young man he met in the town. But
things are not what they seem, however, and the bread given to Will
turns into a steaming mess of maggots the next day, so alerting
Will, the hob, Shadlock and Brother Snail to the truth of who the
boy was. Evil is about, the church is crumbling, and seems forever
water logged, the hob sees things in the woods, Shadlock is uneasy
and even Will is aware that something is wrong.
This is an exciting sequel to The Crowfield Curse, where
Will worked with Shadlock to free his lord, Master Bone, from his
terrible curse, and then dug up the angel buried centuries before in
the woods, freeing it but engaging the wrath of the Dark King. But
this is not a story of the Dark King's vengeance, rather the deeper,
older world the Abbey was built upon, a malevolent force now
invading them all.
Once the church within the abbey crumbles and falls, Will is given
the job of clearing away the rubble with the stonemason and his
crew. He feels the presence of something evil and the fallen angel
seems very close. The cellarer, always Will's enemy, begins to have
dreams in which Will is set to kill him, so Will is ever vigilant
lest the other members of the Abbey view him with suspicion. But one
night the demon vents his anger on the huddled monks within the
church, killing one and injuring most of the others. The prior, who
until now had thought that prayer was the answer, accepts that the
alchemy of Lord Robert may hold the key and so William, Shadlock,
Brother Snail and the hob go to see him.
The Medieval background is seamless in its depiction, readers learn
quickly the day to day life of the Abbey, without ever feeling that
the information is being imposed upon them. Every fact given is part
of the story, a necessary piece of information given to show how
these people live. I loved every word, and will watch eagerly for
the third installment of this amazing trilogy by archaeologist, Pat
Fran Knight