The cranky ballerina by Elise Gravel

Katherine Tegan Books, 2016. ISBN 9780062351241
Ada does not look forward to weekends, particularly Saturdays,
because Saturday is ballet day and she HATES ballet. Her
leotard is too tight and her tutu too itchy and as for the moves she
is forced to do and practise and practise... as she says,
'Arabesques are GROTESQUE.' As for pirouettes - well! Even with her
little monster sidekick who tries to offer support and
encouragement, she just doesn't like it. For Ada, it is definitely
NOT a case of 'practice makes perfect'.
But one Saturday morning when she is trying to please Miss Pointy
she pirouettes right out the door and into a whole new world, one
where she fits perfectly.
Across the world, Saturday mornings see young girls and boys going
off to do things like ballet and music and sport and so on because
their parents think they should, or they should enjoy them or the
parents are reliving their dreams, but how many are like Ada and
have no aptitude or passion for the activity? Many were the
freezing mornings I cycled many miles to piano lessons thinking of
excuses for not having practised until my long-suffering teacher
told my mum she was wasting her money. Based on the creator's one
disastrous attempt at ballet when she was four, this story will
resonate with those whose abilities, talents and interests lie
beyond those that they are expected to do.
The illustrations are very expressive - even the youngest non-reader
can tell that this is a story about an unhappy child who seems to
have a permanent scowl and for all their apparent simplicity, the
feelings of Miss Pointy and the other girls are very obvious.
With a predominantly gentle colour scheme, lime greens and bright
reds punctuate Ada's discomfort along with speech bubbles and
onomatopoeia giving it a fast pace that will encourage young readers
to read it for themselves independently without much trouble. The
final page is perfect.
Barbara Braxton