The Copper Gauntlet by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare

Magisterium series, bk 2. Corgi Books, 2015. ISBN
(Age: 10+) Recommended. Fantasy. Coming of age. This is the second
book in the series, following The Iron Trial and the reader
is re-introduced to Callum Hunt, who is on his summer break from The
Magisterium. His father doesn't like his Chaos-ridden wolf, Havoc
and when both are threatened with destruction, Cal runs away to
Tamara's house where he discovers his friend Aaron being feted as
the Makar. But Cal has secrets to hide and things become very
difficult for him back at the Magisterium when his father is
suspected of the theft of a copper gauntlet called the Alkhahest,
which could destroy the power of the Magisterium. Cal and his
friends set out to find his father, having many exciting adventures
on the way, encountering dangerous enemies and uncovering some of
the truth about Cal and his origins.
This is an exciting sequel to The Iron Trial, and builds on
the reader's knowledge of the world of the Magisterium, and the way
Chaos operates. There is plenty of action as Cal and his friends
follow the trail his father has left and the final showdown is
action packed and thrilling, with an unexpected twist that will
delight readers.
Cal is a very conflicted young man. He is desperately trying not to
be an Evil Overlord and contain his chaos tendencies, while trying
to hide his nature from his teachers and his friends. He is loyal to
his friends and determined to do the right thing as well as use his
native intelligence to come up with workable solutions to very
desperate situations.
Black and Clare, two best-selling authors, have created a thrilling
fantasy series, with very likeable characters and lots of action.
The conclusion to The copper Gauntlet sets more obstacles to
be faced by the friends and will encourage kids to read the next in
the series.
Pat Pledger