The composer is dead by Lemony Snicket

Harper Collins, 2009.
(Ages:all) Recommended. This story is a crime tale, and the detective
called to the scene of the crime, goes through the whole orchestra in
search of the murderer. One by one he eliminates each section of the
orchestra, finding out where they were at the time in question. On each
double page spread the section of the orchestra under suspicion is
drawn in silhouette, and bars of music are scattered from one page to
another. The whole is a musical treat, as it introduces younger readers
to the instruments which make up an orchestra and what each section
does. The composer's death is still a mystery at the end, but all the
orchestra including the conductor admit to having some hand at killing
a composer at some time in their lives. Linked with humour, dancers,
bars of music and the best of illustrations, every reader will be
The beautifully illustrated and presented hard cover book, The
is dead, is augmented with a CD containing the story narrated by
Lemony Snicket, and the instrumental version, tucked into the front
inside cover. The illustrations by Carson Ellis reflect the humour
inherent in the tale, using a small range of colour luminously. This
book is a treat for all.
Fran Knight