The Christmas Eve Ghost by Shirley Hughes

Walker Books, 2011. ISBN: 9781406331073.
(Ages: 5-9) As soon as I opened this book, the classically Shirley
Hughes illustrations transported me back to childhood times spent with
Alfie and other titles whose stories I cannot remember but whose
illustrations remain lovingly stowed within my memory. As Shirley
herself says illustrations in picture books should flow over the pages
and children should feel as though they too are within the story they
are hearing, seeing or reading. The superb illustrations within this
book are certain to do just that. In addition, the tale itself is
engaging and beautifully crafted and will satisfy the adult reader as
much, if not more so, than the young audience.
Shirley wrote this story using memories of her time growing up in
Liverpool in the 1930's so children will be fascinated by the everyday
life of hardship led by Bronwen, Dylan and their Mam. While the
differences between the childhood life of today and that of the 1930's
are obvious and make for great talking points what this book really
highlights is the classic nature of children in their innocent
acceptance of others and their ability to inspire hope and
open-mindedness in others. The message is a simple one of Christmas
goodwill and it is one we could all benefit from remembering.
This story is rather lengthy with extended text on some pages but is
perfect for some shared magical moments between a child and their
parent or grandparent.
Nicole Smith-Forrest