The Christmas book by Dick Bruna

Hardie Grant Egmont, 2007 (c1964). ISBN 9781921288814.
(Age 4-8) Recommended. Dick Bruna, the creator of the Miffy books,
tells the Nativity story in this charming book. Although first
published in 1964, it is a timeless book that will appeal to today's
children, who may want to know the story behind Christmas.
Bruna has retold the story of the shepherds and the three wise men
following a bright light that is an angel, to a stable in Bethlehem in
a manner that is simple and easy to understand. The language is direct
and sincere and describes the Nativity in a very straightforward way.
The delightful illustrations complement the words. I can image children
using ideas from the way that Bruna has constructed his figures to
making their own Nativity scene.
A useful addition to a collection of Christmas books, The Christmas
book would also be book to read aloud to tell the story of the
birth of
Pat Pledger