The Carbon-Neutral Adventures of the Indefatigable Enviroteens by Andrew Martlew

Allen & Unwin, 2020. ISBN: 9781760526122.
(Age: 10-13) Cover indicates the author as: First Dog on the Moon.
This is a nonsensical adventure that is a cross between a cartoon
spoof adventure and a 'wimpy kid' exploration of climate change. At
no stage is it a serious attempt to address a grave issue, rather it
is sheer nonsense with 'heroes' that variously use baked goods to
inspire their super-powers, are animals with quirks that defy
description and have skills that enable them to create machines with
impossible qualities. One might almost imagine that the author was
having his own environmental meltdown when he wrote this weird and
whacky cartoon story. With language that has been comedically
created, villains that are almost insane, and illustrations that are
naive and silly, there are moments when this book is almost cleverly
absurd and other moments when it is just inane. Young readers may
find some joyous humour amidst the chapters, despite the fact that
Chapter 3 goes missing and must reappear later in the book in a
cameo appearance.
Although there is some vocabulary that will challenge some young
readers, mostly this is just a written cartoon with word play woven
around an important theme. Some of the humour is actually quite
clever and will fly over the heads of a young reader, but older
discerning readers will recognise the ironic amidst the idiocy.
Readers aged 10-13 may find this spoof appealing. Themes: Climate
Change; Comedy.
Carolyn Hull