The Carbon Diaries 2017 by Saci Lloyd

Hachette Children's Books, 9780340970164.
(Age 13+) Recommended. The Carbon Diaries 2015 published two years ago
told of a future where
climate change has done untold damage to Britain and a dictatorial
government has made sweeping changes to society in an attempt to curb
their carbon emissions and change their dependence upon traditional
energy sources. Two years down the track, and things have become
decidedly worse. Standing pipes in the street give water, power is cut
completely, some people are trying to grow their own vegetables, but
the ever flooding Thames makes things impossible for many in the
suburbs. Laura maintains her diary, giving us the day to day detail of
life in general and that of her family in particular. It is absorbing.
Laura sees the split of her parents as each searches for a way of
survival in these shockingly hard times, and Laura becomes more
politicized, joining a fringe group to demonstrate and protest against
the lack of innovative measures by the powers. She and others escape to
Europe where they see things are far worse, with right wing
organisations on the rise and racism becoming worse, while fights over
water rights take people's strength. This pair of books is a chilling
reminder of the need for change. The background of racism, rioting,
fights over water, large scale immigration and the increasing power of
right wing organisations is palpable, making the reader shudder when
recognizing some of the possible futures laid out. The author has very
cleverly used many of the problems we see around us today to make this
a scary read indeed. A chilling read. Recommended
Fran Knight