The butterfly heart by Paula Leyden

Walker Books, 2011. ISBN 9781406327922.
This modern story set in the butterfly shaped country of Zambia in
Southern Africa considers the existence of traditional beliefs in
contemporary society. Bul-Boo and Madillo are twin sisters in their
early teens who discover that their close school friend Winifred has
a distressing problem. Winifred's father has recently died and
according to traditional custom, her domineering and aggressive
uncle has taken her widowed mother as a wife, and worse, has
promised Winifred as a bride to his equally repugnant friend.
Not knowing how to help, the twins enlist the help of Ifwafwa, the
local snake catcher who has mysterious powers but is kindly with
decent values. Not knowing if he will be able to deal with this
problem, the help of a 'Witch' (in the sense of witch-doctor) is
also sought. Through these two characters, the reader appreciates
that traditional laws are being misinterpreted and misused by the
Uncle and that ancient cultural values exist to prevent such action.
The affirming notion evident throughout this tale is that innocent
children must be protected and that risks should be taken and fears
overcome to achieve this.
This novel is interesting and easy to read, but I was left feeling a
little disappointed by what I perceived to be confusion in direction
and an incomplete resolution. There are many veiled references
to premature death and the creation of hardship for families and
orphaned children, yet H.I.V. is only explicitly mentioned once and
the sheer enormity of the situation may escape some readers.
One cannot expect 'happily ever after' conclusions in novels of this
type, however I was disappointed that important elements
specifically introduced by the author were not finalised. Others
however may consider that metaphysical and metaphorical elements
provided the facility for the reader to construct their own outcome.
This novel will educate readers about social and economic realities
in Southern Africa and will give some appreciation of how fortunate
and secure most of us are in the developed world. It is
fitting that it has been endorsed by Amnesty International.
Robin Welsh