The butterfly dance by Suzanne Barton

Bloomsbury, 2017. ISBN 9781408864845
(Age: Pre-school - Year 1) Recommended. Caterpillars Dotty and
Stripe are good friends and do everything together. One day, as
caterpillars must, they spin cocoons and begin their journey as
butterflies. How wonderful to rediscover the world as a blue dotty
and a red stripy butterfly. Sadly, they are separated when they join
different butterfly groups that match their own colours. Can they
ever be together as friends again?
This is a delightful story about friendship and following your own
beliefs. Dotty and Stripe learn that their colour and patterns do
not make a difference to their relationship. Although they enjoy the
company of others, they share a bond that makes their companionship
special. Children will understand the importance of 'the special
friend', which is a theme in many pre-school books.
Illustrations show the ideal beautiful world Dotty and Stripe live
in. Collage is used throughout the book and I particularly love the
use of lace for each caterpillar's cocoon. The double page meadow
scene has lots for the child to enjoy and they will delight in
trying to find both butterflies. Suzanne admits to a love of
Japanese prints and papers and this is evident on each page.
Dotty and Stripe are very appealing characters and it is easy to
identify with their problems and emotions. Children will be keen to
see how their difficulties are resolved and will be sad when they
are not together.
I would recommend this picture book to both pre-school children and
reception, year 1 students.
Jane Moore