The bush Santa ill. by Mandy Foot

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Lothian, 2016. ISBN 9780734416865
(Age: 4+) Christmas, Australia, Cities, Australian animals. This Christmas book with illustrations by Mandy Foot, but no attributing of authorship, has a verse ballad, with a similar rhythm to The man from Snowy River as its base. The lines take the reader around Australia, dropping into various places set out on a map at the start of the book. Here the reader encounters a range of Australian animals with large soft eyes and enticing smiles.
Kids will love hearing the story read out loud, and join in as they get used to the scan and words. The rhythm of the lines is infectious. A second and third reading will ensure they catch on. A large wall map will help place the towns and cities mentioned and a standby book of Australian animals could be used to give the readers more information.
Fran Knight