The build up season by Megan Jacobson

Penguin Books Australia, 2017. ISBN 9780143573388
(Age: Senior secondary) Highly recommended. Themes: domestic
violence, first love, first sex, family, coming of age, Darwin. 17
year old Illy and her mum are living in her Nan's house in Darwin,
escaping domestic violence. Illy had been sent to boarding school to
keep her safe but angry and rejected she managed to get expelled.
Her mum, Eve is a wellness expert, hosting retreats to make a living
but her calmness belies the fact that they all live in fear of being
found and punished by Iliad's violent father Troy. Refusing to be a
victim Illy takes her anger out on her family and schoolmates, she
doesn't fit in and is only interested in Art. Max, a boy who lives
near her is also keen on art, wanting to make films but when he asks
her to drive him home and suggests they stop at his house to see his
python Illy misinterprets, overreacts and orders him out of the car.
A prank war ensues mediated to some extent by Mia, a geeky,
idiosyncratic classmate Illy feels protective of. Mia turns out to
be strategically perceptive and supportive and she and Max's mate
Hamish are there for their friends when they are most needed.
When Illy meets and falls in love with Jared Lovett, the principal's
son, she learns that love is not rational. She becomes besotted with
the self-centred frustrated actor, spending all her time with him,
working out ways to help him be successful. As the relationship
develops she makes a conscious decision to have sex with him,
pondering the meaning, in this modern world, of the significance of
losing one's virginity. However, Jared has anger management problems
and becomes very jealous leading to a violent outburst. Illy finds
herself making excuses for him, slipping into the role of victim.
Dealing with this revelation pales into insignificance once the real
terror begins and she discovers who she can turn to in a crisis.
Just as the heat and humidity of Darwin builds, so does the threat
of violence but for Iliad things also become clearer as she makes
her own decisions and adjusts her perspectives.
A powerful story about surviving domestic violence and first love
and while explicitly exploring first sex it is with empowerment
rather than loss. The minor characters are well drawn, each with
their own issues but subtly looking out for one another. The novel
also acknowledges the academic disruption caused by domestic
violence and shifting schools yet Illy is able to have very real
aspirations not dependent on broad academic excellence which many
students will relate to. Highly recommended for senior students.
Sue Speck