The Bridge by Jane Higgins

The Text Publishing Company, 2011. ISBN 9781921758331.
(Ages 13+) Nik has always wanted to join the ISIS, but the problem
is that it's not that simple. You can't just join; they have to pick
you. The ISIS are the brains behind the army on the Cityside,
fighting the war against the Hostiles on the Southside on the other
side of the river. When the day finally comes, the day Nik has
waited for his whole life, they don't pick him. Nik is desperate for
answers, the ISIS pick the smartest people in the school usually and
Nik is one of the smartest people in his year. Then the school gets
bombed and so much is lost in the attack. Nik losses his best friend
Lou. Lou's sister Fyffe and brother Sol are devastated by the loss
of their brother and Fyffe, Sol, Jono, Dash and Nik also lose their
friend Bella. The city has become unsafe, the Hostiles have taken
the bridges and now control who goes in and out of the city. As a
group they decide to leave the city to take Fyffe and Sol home, but
it all goes wrong when Sol is taken by the Hostiles so to save him
Nik, along with Fyffe, leave Dash and Jono behind and go across the
This book is amazing. I just could not put it down. I had to keep
reading. The book just pulls you in and makes you want to keep
reading. I would highly recommend this book, it has adventure and
danger and it truly shows you how far friends and family will go for
each other.
Tahlia Kennewell (Student)