The boy in the big blue glasses by Susanne Gervay

Illus. by Marjorie Crosby-Fairall. EK Books, 2019. ISBN:
(Age: 5+) Recommended. Themes: Sight, Glasses, Difference. EK Books
has a tagline 'Books with heart' on issues that matter, and
thankfully Susanne Gervay is one of their authors. Gervay is able to
write about issues that matter with an understated ease allowing
students to read the story as any other story not one that sets out
to make a point. So it is with The Boy in the big blue glasses.
Encouraging children to wear their glasses when a problem with their
sight has been diagnosed can be awkward, and for Sammy, he is loathe
to make himself different from the rest of his class.
Adults do the 'right thing' in trying to be supportive, but they
miss the point altogether. His parents and Gran all talk of the
handsome boy in his glasses, making him a little tense. His aunt and
teacher follow the same line, asking about the handsome boy, the
superhero. But Sammy does not want to be a superhero, he does not
want to be different. His best friend, George is the only one who
points out his new glasses, and Sammy feels that no-one else can see
past the glasses to see him, the same boy, not different at all. He
leaves his glasses behind when the goes to the doctor, he loses them
in the house, Mum finding them under his bed, he takes them off at
school when the others tease him when his friend George is away. But
in doing this everything becomes blurry, and he makes faces at the
funny things he sees and he begins to laugh. The rest of the class
laugh with him, his teacher as well, telling him how funny he is.
When George returns they play the same game, the cardboard box being
the pirate ship, only this time the whole class joins in, seeing him
not as a boy with glasses, but as himself.
A satisfying story about difference, readers will offer all sorts of
tales about difference and the way people are seen by others. The
book lends itself to discussion within the classroom, without being
overly didactic.
Fran Knight