The boy at the back of the class by Onjali Q. Rauf

Orion, 2018. ISBN 9781510105010
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. Themes: Friendship. Refugees.
Bullying. Resilience. Tolerance. This is a really enjoyable story
about 4 young friends at school who are intrigued by the mystery
surrounding the new boy in the chair at the back of the class. They
have many questions, but it is hard to find the answers; the boy
Ahmet goes into 'Seclusion' in break times, and after school he is
collected by a woman who doesn't seem to be his mother. He doesn't
even seem to speak English. He is unlike anyone they've had in class
before, a strange brave boy with the eyes of a lion. The friends
gradually discover that Ahmet is a refugee child from war-torn
Syria, and in his long trek across sea and land to find safety he
has lost all family.
Learning that Britain is about to close its gates to refugees from
Calais, the four children hatch plans to help Ahmet find his family
before it is too late for him ever to be reunited with any of them.
They come up with 'The Greatest Idea in the World'. But nothing ever
goes smoothly, there are school bullies to contend with, and a bid
to get help from the Queen leads to an amazing escapade which gets
the attention of all the newspapers.
The story is narrated by a nine year old, and because the author
does not give away whether it is a girl or boy speaking, each reader
will identify in a way that suits them. And although the underlying
subject matter is serious, the story has a lot of humour,
particularly in revealing the thoughts and ideas of the nine year old
friends. Drawings of their plans by illustrator Pippa Curnick add
another element of fun.
Author Onjali Q Rauf is the person behind the 'Making Herstory'
campaign for women's rights and prevention of abuse and slavery of
women. She is also involved in delivering emergency aid packages to
refugee families. The boy at the back of the class is her first
novel, and is a wonderful way to draw in the interest of a young
audience, helping them to understand issues that they can't help but
overhear in the news and in adult conversations. The story is a
great adventure, with themes of friendship, tolerance and
understanding towards others.
Helen Eddy