The boy and the toy by Sonya Hartnett

Ill. by Lucia Masciullo. Penguin Viking, 2010. ISBN 978 0670073627.
Picture book. Highly recommended. While his father goes away on
business, the boy is left with one of father's inventions, a small
robotic toy to keep him company. But father tells the boy that if he is
needed then to send a message with the seagull. The boy and his toy do
all sorts of things together, swimming, diving, running, playing hide
and seek and playing puzzles. Impressed with the toy's cleverness he
spends the day making an even better puzzle for the toy. But the toy,
cross at losing the boy's attention, pushes the pieces out of the
window. Over the next few days the toy tries to maintain the boy's
interest, but fails as he brings out other toys to play with.
Perplexed with the toy, the boy builds a replica of himself for the toy
to play with while he summons his father.
A delightful story about friendship and companionship, Hartnett uses a
wide range of words to tell the tale. Children will delight in the toy
and what it can do, and respond eagerly to the implied questions of
what makes a good friend or companion and how a friend should
behave. Stories about the best toy in the world will be
forthcoming from the absorbed audience.
The quirky illustrations by Lucia Masciullo are just wonderful.
Colourful and mischievous, they draw in the reader to look at the array
of inventions, toys and gizmos in the background of each page. The
speech bubbles above the toy would be well used by an astute teacher or
parent in asking what words could be in the bubble, so developing
further the idea of what makes a good friend. There are a number of
pages that particularly drew my attention. The endpapers are just
wonderful with the boy on the sand with the seagull at the start, then
playing with the dog at the end; the double page of dad and the boy in
father's inventing room is fabulous with its array of things to look
at, as is the double page spread with the boy making up his replica,
while pages near the end with the boy and his father running down the
spiral staircase is full of movement and warmth and resolution.
Fran Knight