The book with no pictures by B. J. Novak

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Puffin, 2014. ISBN 9780141361789
(Age: 4+) Well, you all know it goes. You hear so much hype about a book (or a movie, or a theatrical show blah blah blah) that you almost convince yourself that either you won't like it or it will be completely lame.
And, to be honest, that's pretty much how it was with this book. I'd had posts on Facebook and seen comments in email lists but it was all so full on that I kind of let it wash over me.
Then I got this in the post last week to review. Read it - hmmmm, laughing to myself - that was unexpected. Tonight, I read it to Small who giggled so much I was a little concerned she would give herself indigestion.
This is a very clever though seemingly simple book. Hands up, all of you who love to read aloud - with expression, with verve, with silly voices, with laughter - with engagement. You will not... cannot go wrong with this one.
I believe this read-aloud is not confined to younger children. I think I could read this to Upper Primary and have them still get the giggles.
I have a favourite fridge magnet (friends stand and 'read' my fridge because of the magnets)... it say's 'Take time every day to be silly'. This book will prove the easiest way to be silly ever and the kids with whom you share it will relish every single bit of kookiness.
If you have not yet encountered it - do yourself a favour - and most definitely put it on your shelves, in the library or at home, for children and those who relish humour, from around 4 upwards.
See for yourself here.
Sue Warren