The book of a thousand days by Shannon Hale

2009. ISBN 9780747597810.
(Ages 10+) Highly recommended. Award winning author Shannon
Hale has written another memorable heart wrenching tale of heroism
Based on the Grimm Brothers' story, Maid Maleen, Hale has set
her tale
Asia. Lady Saren refuses to marry Lord Khasar, the man her father has
for her because not only is she is terrified of him, but she is in love
Khan Tegus. Her father is furious and locks her in a tower with her
maid, Dashti,
until she comes to her senses. But even the tower doesn't keep them
safe from
the evil Khasar, who arrival brings great danger, while Khan Tegus's
brings hope.
Told from the point of view of Dashti, in the form of a
diary, the reader is swept into the lives of Saren and Dashti as they
to survive in the tower. Even though they have been left enough food
firewood to survive for seven years, the tower has been completely
walled up so
they live in darkness except for the meagre light that comes from the
fire and
candles. Rats attack their food and the guards outside desert them.
diary descriptions are compelling and the reader will never be able to
think of
being shut in a tower without shuddering.
Hale doesn't follow the usual rules for a fairy story. Her
heroine is not a beautiful princess, but the lady's maid, a Mucker girl
who has
been raised on the steppes and who has a disfiguring birthmark on her
However it is Dashti's indomitable spirit that keeps them from falling
deep depression and it is her perseverance that eventually gets them
out of the
tower. She is the brave one, who records their story and who is
prepared to die
for the love of her life. Saren is weak and whiny and would never have
without Dashti.
This is an exciting read, with a wonderful heroine,
adventure, courage, plot twists, romance and heartbreak. Rich in vivid
descriptions, some charming illustrations and a very exciting and
conclusion, this book is a keeper for fantasy and fairy tale readers.
It would
also be a powerful read aloud.
Pat Pledger